Renewable Technology Rebate Program
- Based on actual energy production rather than cost of system. Set up to help pay for roughly 30% of systems. Designed to reward efficient technology and knowledgeable installers.
$1.50 kW for solarii.$1.25 kW for wind 2.129
- Total Applicants
99 Solar – 6 Wind – 24 Solar Hot Water Systems
13 Commercial Applications e.116 Residential
ARRA Money
Total Fund: $1,700,000.00
Rebate Allocated: $1,633,452.75
Rebates Actually Received: $204,993.29 (Based on a fraction of applications)
Rebates are based on actual energy production and paid out over the course of a year. However, money is allocated based on estimated energy production of each application in the beginning.
Left in the Fund $66,547.25
Private Investment
$4,236,398.65.00 (Solar equipment, installers, electricians, roofers, etc.
2.5 times larger than the ARRA investment.
- Energy
1,198,062 kWh estimated production
Enough energy to power 198 average Arkansas homes
700 kW Capacity
Solar/600 kWWind/100 kWSolar Thermal/1,789 SF of Collectors
Average solar system size 6 kW – Largest solar system 25 kW–Largest wind system size 50 kW
Net metering As of June 2010 (according to the PSC filed dockets) before the RTRF was opened there were 66 net metering customers in the state with a 154 kW capcity. NET METERING WAS STARTED IN 2001.
51 solar – 15 wind
Since March of 2010 we have almost doubled the number of net‐ metering renewable energy systems in the state and grown the capacity by 400 percent. Out of 129 applications there were approximately 14 that were self‐ installed and 6 that were done by out of state vendors.
For electric applications the estimated costs for the systems are $3,314,117 and $734,060 for installations. For solar thermal systems were $155,835 and installations were $39,987.